Supplemental Needs: A Novel portrays a young family whose lives change on learning through prenatal genetic diagnosis that their baby will have Klinefelter syndrome, most likely causing some degree of disability, as well as infertility.
Rachel and her husband are delighted with a pregnancy following years of infertility. But their joy is shattered in learning that their baby boy has an extra X chromosome. They need to decide quickly about continuing the pregnancy. Genetic counseling cannot predict how his life will proceed because the range of functioning extends from barely affected to significant intellectual disability. A geneticist advises them to have an abortion. Nonetheless, the Golds continue the pregnancy, anticipating a mostly normal childhood for their son, with possible developmental delays. Jacob’s development begins to depart from the typical after his first birthday, and by the age of two, Rachel and Dave are navigating the world of special needs parents. At the same time, Rachel is engulfed in a career crisis, and Dave’s brother confronts increasing challenges to his commitment to Orthodox Judaism. The novel deftly addresses disability and genetic diagnosis, sexuality, and family dynamics.
In this episode, Ginnie speaks about prenatal counseling; termination of pregnancy when chromosomal variations exist; societal acceptance of KS, the neurodiverse, LGBTQ individuals and how it has changed over time; and attitudes in Judaism toward LGBTQ individuals and why these are so different across the branches (Reform, Conservative, Orthodox)
Supplemental Needs incorporates accurate information and creates needed conversation around what we each believe about continuing a pregnancy where there may be some level of disability, or when there may be a slightly elevated rate of homosexuality, or of gender dysphoria. Readers gain greater awareness and understanding about the parental experience of when a child is not following a typical developmental trajectory, familiarizing the public with sex chromosome aneuploidy in a non-sensational manner.
Available Now in paperback and ebook formats
Net proceeds from the sale of this book will be donated to X and Y chromosome advocacy organizations.

Praise for Supplemental Needs
“If you have never heard of X and Y Chromosome variations, welcome to the world's most common unheard of medical condition that impacts 1 in 500 individuals. Life is never how you expect it, and Ginnie Cover shows us that the world does not end when things do not go as planned. Life challenges make you smarter and stronger in ways that you could never imagine. Cheers to Ginnie for recognizing that chromosomal variations exist, celebrating our uniqueness, and cherishing the things that matter most in life.”
— Carrie R.
“I’m so grateful that you’ve written a novel with an XXY character! Literature has the power to expose readers to new ideas embedded in the storyline and set a positive tone about them. XXY is not well known, and many families feel reluctant to share information with others when the topic often has “sex” in the name. Fortunately, the term ‘X & Y chromosome variation’ is becoming more common than ‘sex chromosome aneuploidy.’ With familiarity comes understanding.”
— Lauren M.